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Hyperlink to God

You are the hyperlink to God. Mystics, in all religious traditions, will tell you God is within you. Atheists, too, although not using God-language, recognize themselves as pivotal to life.

Yet God is also outside of us in the rocks and trees and stars, in the streams and bird-calls, in the supermarkets full of variety. And much much more.

We have our ideas of what God is, but God is not the white-bearded Santa in the sky any more than God is a stooped old crone carrying her basket of clothes. God/Goddess might be pleasant ideas, and maybe God is a crone or a wizened old geezer, but a richer way to experience and understand God is through yourself, through your perceptions, and through your life.

Awe, gratitude, love are some of the mighty experiences of the holy. They can be cultivated and grown within you. That is what worthy religions try to teach by nurturing ways to become holier, not more pious but holier, in the sense of becoming deeper, kinder, gentler, more loving people.

Slow down and notice your surroundings. Being present to your daily moments is important. When you are flying through life, busy, busy, busy, you are missing life. Slow down. Pay attention. Bird song or the voice of another is heard through your awesome ears, interpreted by your amazing brain, arising from a sacred source you do not even need to name.

Take time to be grateful for your ability to perceive. It is gift and goodness. Consider the many things you experience in one day from getting out of bed, to walking, eating, smiling, smelling, talking, being with others. There are so many perceptions to give thanks about, and if you aren’t a person who can thank God, then sit still and allow gratitude to permeate your being by remembering special moments and savoring them.

What about suffering and evil? Even these difficult and unwanted aspects of life move us to an awareness of the sacred within, of God arising. When we cry at losses, at pain, in pain, for others, for the brokenness of human beings, for the violation of the earth, we are empowered to consider how we might become the force of love against evil, how our lives matter. By developing our skills not only for our good and prosperity, but for the good of all the people, all the world, the whole planet, we hyperlink to God.

Allow the flow of love to move through your mind body soul into the world of teeming life and experience the sacred within the river of your life.

Hyperlink to God. Hyperlink to Love.


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